AMTESOL Membership
Planning to attend the next AMTESOL Conference?
AMTESOL Conference fees include an AMTESOL Membership so there is no need to pay for membership separately. AMTESOL conferences are usually held in January, so memberships are generally from January to the next January. Memberships gained at the AMTESOL Conference are valid until the next year's conference (usually one year).
NOT planning to attend the next AMTESOL Conference?
We welcome you to support our organization by becoming an AMTESOL Member. Memberships are valid until the next conference, usually held in January.
2024 AMTESOL Memberships are valid until the January 2025 AMTESOL Conference, regardless of the date when the membership is undertaken.
Membership Benefits
Support TESOL in Alabama and Mississippi: Help support AMTESOL to fulfill its five-fold Purpose.
AMTESOL-provided professional development: In 2024, AMTESOL plans several professional development opportunities.
Newsletters: In 2024, AMTESOL will be starting up a regular newsletter.
Vote in Board elections: All Regular, Student, Retired, and Volunteer AMTESOL members have voting rights in the annual election for the Vice President-elect and the Members-at-Large. Commercial and Institutional members do not have voting rights. Elections are held via online form at the Conference General Meeting or soon thereafter. Members who are not present may also vote via online form prior to the ballot due date.
Vote for the "Best of Conference" presentation: Members can vote immediately after the annual conference for their favorite presentation. The winning presentation will be automatically accepted by TESOL International for its annual conference. The ballot is contained in the Conference Survey in the Whova app.​
Membership Types and Fees
$20 Regular: Educators, administrators, paraprofessionals, tutors, advocates, etc.
$5 Full-time Student: Undergraduate students taking at least 12 credit hours or Graduate students taking at least 9 credit hours in the current semester. Please email proof of registration to
$5 Retired or Volunteers: Retired educators, retired administrators, retired paraprofessionals, volunteer tutors, volunteer community advocates, and other volunteer roles
$50 Commercial: Businesses, unions, etc. (please note that a Commercial Membership is included in conference Exhibitor and Sponsor fees).
$50 Institutional: School systems, community colleges, universities (please note that an Institutional Membership is included in conference Exhibitor and Sponsor fees).
Online payment uses the Stripe app. You will receive an emailed receipt from