Past SETESOL Conferences

2024 No SETESOL this year due to TESOL International in Tampa, Florida in March 2024
2023 Celebrate Together, Accelerate Together
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, hosted by Carolina TESOL
November 8-10, 2023
2022 Creating Equity: Multilingual and Multicultural Learners in Educational Settings
Richmond, Virginia hosted by Virginia TESOL (VATESOL)
October 12-15, 2022
2021 Portrait of Educational Equity
Virtual Conference, hosted by Georgia TESOL (GATESOL)
October 13-16, 2021
2020 SETESOL was not held due to the Covid-19 pandemic
2019 Future Tense: Entering an Age of Empowerment
Orlando, Florida hosted by Sunshine State TESOL (SSTESOL)
2018 A SETESOL conference was not held because Georgia TESOL (GATESOL) hosted the TESOL International Convention March 12-15, 2019 in Atlanta.
2017 Transforming Lives through Languages and Cultures
Birmingham, Alabama hosted by Alabama-Mississippi TESOL (AMTESOL)
October 4-7, 2017
SETESOL 2017 Conference statistics
TESOL Affiliate News story: "Regional Southeast TESOL Draws Attendees from 23 States"

Keynote Speaker Dr. Stephen Krashen (USC) with SETESOL 2017 Conference Chair Dr. Susan Spezzini (UAB)
2016 Racing Toward a Brighter Future
Louisville, Kentucky hosted by Kentucky TESOL (KYTESOL)
October 26-29, 2016
2015 Go for the Goal: Empowering Teachers
New Orleans, Louisiana hosted by Louisiana TESOL (LATESOL)
October 21-24, 2015
2014 Bridges to Success
Rogers, Arkansas hosted by Arkansas TESOL (ARKTESOL)
2013 Unlocking the Treasures of 21st Century Learning
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina hosted by Carolina TESOL
2012 Connecting and Reflecting
Knoxville, Tennessee hosted by Tennessee TESOL (TNTESOL)
2011 Celebrating Culture and Heritage through Language Teaching
Richmond, Virginia hosted by Virginia TESOL (VATESOL)
2010 New Destinations, New Directions
Miami, Florida hosted by Sunshine State TESOL (SSTESOL)
2009 A Passion for Language and Teaching
Atlanta, Georgia hosted by Georgia TESOL (GATESOL)
2008 Celebrating Commonalities, Cultivating Connections
Birmingham, Alabama hosted by Alabama-Mississippi TESOL (AMTESOL)
2007 Building Bridges: Connecting the Learning Community
Louisville, Kentucky hosted by Kentucky TESOL (KYTESOL)
2006 ESL Partnerships: Connecting Families to Schools and Communities
Little Rock, Arkansas hosted by Arkansas TESOL (ARKTESOL)
2005 ​Voice by the Sea: Sharing Knowledge, Sharing Experiences
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina hosted by Carolina TESOL
2004 In Tune with the World
Nashville, Tennessee hosted by Tennessee TESOL (TNTESOL)
2003 Charting New Courses on the Mississippi
New Orleans, Louisiana hosted by Louisiana TESOL (LATESOL)
2002 A World of Opportunities
Atlanta, Georgia hosted by Georgia TESOL (GATESOL)
1999 Forging the New Millennium in TESOL
Birmingham, Alabama hosted by Alabama-Mississippi TESOL (AMTESOL)