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ESOL / ELs General Info

Who & where are ELs in the USA?

From the U.S. Department of Education, information about the characteristics and location of ELs in story map form, which may help inform decisions about the provision of instructional supports and services for these students. These figures represent the latest look at ELs across the country, primarily using publicly available data for the 2014–15 and 2009–10 school years. 

History of ESOL Teaching Methods

An infographic which presents a historical overview of the most prominent methods and approaches used in teaching English as a second or foreign language.

Language Transfer: Tip Sheets for 10 Languages

Cengage Learning provides tip sheets for common language transfer writing errors in 10 languages: Arabic, Chinese languages, Farsi, French and Haitian Creole, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Thai, and Vietnamese. If a teacher comes across students' puzzling written language errors that are difficult to explain, these tip sheets list significant features of differences between the first language and English.

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